
samedi 23 juin 2012

Facebook rend possible la modification des commentaires

 Facebook rend possible la modification des commentaires au lieu de les supprimer. C'est une nouvelle solution face à l'erreur classique commise par les internautes connectés sur ce réseau social.
Cette nouvelle option permet donc de modifier le message tout en laissant une traçabilitésous forme d'historique.
Selon Facebook, cette option est en cours d'activation et sera bientôt disponible à tout le monde.
« Merci Facebook !!! »

La Grande-Bretagne fête les 100 ans de la naissance d'Alan Turing, génie de l'informatique

Il aurait eu cent ans le 23 juin. Samedi, la Grande-Bretagne et la communauté scientifique internationale fêteront le centenaire du géant de l'informatique Alan Turing, connu pour avoir brisé les codes secrets de l'armée allemande durant la seconde guerre mondiale, et pour ses travaux pionniers en matière d'informatique et d'intelligence artificielle. En 41 ans, Alan Turing aura posé les bases de l'informatique moderne, tout en parvenant, selon certains, à sauver des millions de vies pendant la guerre grâce à ses décryptages des communications nazies.

Mais, condamné à la castration chimique en 1952 pour "outrage aux bonnes moeurs", du fait de son homosexualité - illégale en Grande-Bretagne jusqu'en 1967 - le génie de l'informatique se suicidera deux ans plus tard, le 7 juin 1954, en mangeant une pomme empoisonnée au cyanure. Réhabilité depuis, Alan Turingest aujourd'hui mis à l'honneur par la Grande-Bretagne, bientôt trois ans après queGordon Brown, alors premier ministre, lui a présenté ses excuses dans une tribune, au nom du gouvernement britannique, pour le traitement "déplorable" qui lui aura été infligé du fait de son identité sexuelle.

Lire : "Alan Turing ou la difficile réhabilitation de la mémoire d'un pionnier de l'informatique"


Dans sa tribune, publiée le 10 septembre 2009 par le Daily Telegraph, Gordon Brown désigne Alan Turing comme "un véritable héros de guerre" : "il n'est pas exagéré d'affirmer que, sans sa contribution exceptionnelle, l'histoire de la seconde guerre mondiale aurait pu être très différente", écrit-il. Recruté à Cambridge par les services du renseignement anglais, le scientifique est parvenu, depuis le centre de recherche de Bletchley Park, à venir à bout d'Enigma, la machine de chiffrement utilisée par l'armée allemande pour crypter ses communications. La marine nazie la pensait inviolable.

Il faut dire que lorsqu'il "casse" le code secret allemand, à 30 ans, lemathématicien, éternel précurseur, n'en est pas à ses premiers exploits. En 1936, déjà, il a démontré que certains problèmes mathématiques ne pouvaient être résolus, dessinant les contours d'une première machine programmable, ou "machine de Turing", capable d'effectuer n'importe quel calcul mathématique. Il s'agira de l'un des premiers prototypes d'ordinateur. Après la guerre, Alan Turing travaille à des projets d'ordinateurs à Londres, puis à Manchester, où il explore davantage l'intelligence articificielle. Il y mettra au point le fameux test de Turing, présenté dans un article publié dans Mind en 1950. Ce questionnaire est sensé déterminer si le répondant est un humain ou une machine.

Mais en janvier 1952, son homosexualité est révélée au grand jour. Condamné à la castration chimique ou à l'emprisonnement, Alan Turing choisit de subir des injections d'oestrogènes. Du fait de son identité sexuelle, le mathématicien est banni du complexe gouvernemental où il travaillait. Et secret militaire oblige, il lui est interdit de dévoiler au public ses découvertes scientifiques pendant la guerre. Sa carrière sera brisée.

Lire le portrait : "Sorry Alan!" (éditions Abonnés)


Ce n'est qu'après sa mort qu'Alan Turing est, enfin, reconnu pour son génie scientifique. En 1966, un "prix Turing", ou "Nobel de l'informatique", est créé. Il est, depuis, décerné chaque année par l'Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Trente-trois ans plus tard, le magazine Time désigne le mathématicien comme l'un des personnages les plus importants du 20ème siècle. Et en 2001, la ville de Manchester lui dédie une statue.

Mais depuis trois ans en Grande-Bretagne, c'est un ensemble de pétitions qui cherchent à réhabiliter la mémoire du génie scientifique. En 2009 déjà, la déclaration de Gordon Brown faisait suite à une pétition qui avait à l'époque récolté plus de dix milles signatures. Elle demandait au gouvernement de s'excuser "pour les poursuites engagées contre Alan Turing, qui ont abouti à sa mort prématurée".

Souhaitant aller plus loin que ces excuses écrites dans le Daily Telegraph, des citoyens britanniques ont lancé, en décembre 2011, une pétition appellant le gouvernement à officiellement demander pardon à Alan Turing, pour l'avoir accusé "d'attentat à la pudeur" en 1952, après découverte de son homosexualité. "Alan Turing à été conduit vers un terrible désespoir et une mort précoce, par le pays pour lequel il a tant fait (...)", peut-on lire sur la pétition, qui a recueilli jusqu'ici plus de 34 000 signatures. "Cela reste une honte du gouvernement et de l'histoire britannique."

Le 24 mai dernier, le député conservateur Iain Stewart a repris la demande de la pétition, estimant que le centenaire du génie de l'informatique était l'occasion derediscuter d'un pardon officiel de la part du gouvernement. Mais pour que le sujet fasse l'objet d'un débat à la Chambre des communes, la pétition doit obtenir au moins 100 000 signatures, et ce en un an. En attendant, une autre pétition en ligne circule, demandant cette fois-ci que le visage d'Alan Turing figure sur des billets de dix livres. "C'est un héros national", écrit Thomas Thurman, auteur de la pétition."Sa contribution à l'informatique, et ainsi à la vie du pays et du monde est incalculable."

lundi 18 juin 2012

Apprendre php facilement - Cours php pour débutants

Blogs, réseaux sociaux, pages d'accueil personnalisables... Depuis quelques
années, les sites web ont gagné en fonctionnalités et sont devenus dans le
même temps de plus en plus complexes.
Que le temps de la "page web perso" est loin ! Il y a une époque où l'on
pouvait se contenter de créer un site basique. Un peu de texte, quelques
images : hop là, notre site perso était prêt.
Aujourd'hui, c'est différent : il faut que ça bouge ! On s'attend à ce qu'un
site soit régulièrement mis à jour : on veut voir des actualités sur la page
d'accueil, on veut pouvoir les commenter, discuter sur des forums, bref,
participer à la vie du site.

Le langage PHP a justement été conçu pour créer des sites "vivants"
(on parle de sites dynamiques). Et si vous voulez apprendre à créer
vous aussi des sites web dynamiques, c'est votre jour de chance :
vous êtes sur un cours pour vrais débutants en PHP !
L'essentiel, c'est de lire en entier les chapitres dans l'ordre. Après,
ça passe tout seul et vous vous étonnerez bientôt de ce que vous êtes capable de faire !

6 useful Windows tricks

You know that feeling you get when your friends or family see you do something on your computer that they've never seen before? If you’ve had this experience, you know that “world's coolest power-user” feeling. But if you haven’t, start here. Knowledge is power!
Read these six tips for Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP that will keep you schoolin' your friends and family.

1. Don't just maximize your windows—go full screen

When you need a really big window for viewing photos and videos, don't just maximize it: go full screen! This tip works great for viewing photos and videos at maximum size in Windows Explorer or Windows Media Player, utilizing screen space usually occupied by the header at the top of the screen and the taskbar at the bottom. Here’s how:
Open any photo in Windows Explorer, or open a photo or video clip in Windows Media Player. Do one of the following:
  • In Windows 7 and Windows XP, click the F11 key at the top of your keyboard.
The photo or video image enlarges to its maximum size and the title bar and taskbar are hidden.
Viewing a photo in Windows Explorer standard view
Viewing a photo in Windows Explorer standard view
To undo full-screen mode and restore the window to its normal view, press the Esc(Escape) key at the top of your keyboard

2. Customize the Navigation pane

You can use the navigation pane (the left pane) to find files and folders and display links to frequently used folders and other items. You can also move or copy items to a destination in the navigation pane.
If you don't see the navigation pane on the left side of an open folder window, clickOrganize, point to Layout, and then click Navigation pane to display it.

To customize the navigation pane in Windows 7

  1. In an open folder or library window, click Organize, and then click Folder and search options.
  2. In the Folder Options dialog box, click the General tab, and then do one or both of the following:
    • To show all the folders on your computer in the navigation pane, including your personal folder, select the Show all folders check box, click Apply to see the change, and then click OK.
    • To automatically expand the navigation pane to the folder that's selected in the folder window, select the Automatically expand to current foldercheck box, and then click OK.
Customizing the navigation pane in Windows 7
Customizing the navigation pane in Windows 7

More ways to customize your favorites in Windows 7

  • To add a folder, a saved search, a library, or even a drive as a favorite, drag it to theFavorites section in the navigation pane. Note: You can’t add individual file to Favorites, but you can add them to any folder in Favorites.
  • To change the order of favorites, drag a favorite to a new position in the list.
  • To restore the default favorites in the navigation pane, right-click Favorites, and then click Restore Favorite Links.
  • To view the folder where your favorites are stored, click Favorites in the navigation pane. Favorites are stored as shortcuts.
  • To remove a favorite, right-click the favorite, and then click Remove. This removes the favorite from the navigation pane—it doesn't delete the files or folders that the shortcut points to.
The Favorites area of the navigation pane in Windows 7
The Favorites area of the navigation pane in Windows 7

Add folders and files in Windows Vista

In Windows Vista, you can add folders to Favorite Links in the navigation pane so that you can open them from any folder window at any time. To do this, first open the folder that contains the subfolder you want to add. Then simply drag its icon from the original folder to where you want it in the navigation pane. You can also clickFolders at the bottom of the pane and drag a folder from the folder list up into the Favorite Links section of the pane. Note: You can’t add individual files to Favorite Links, but you can add them to any folder in Favorite Links.
Pictures folder in Windows
Pictures folder in Windows

3. Pin a program or items to the Windows 7 taskbar

You know what would make a great taskbar? One where you could pin your favorite applications or files so that you could open them quickly from any window at any time. Guess what? You can.
In Windows 7, you can also pin shortcuts for favorite or frequently used files, folders, and websites to the Jump Lists for each of those programs to the taskbar. Learn more about Jump Lists.
Pin a program to the taskbar
To pin a program shortcut to the taskbar, do one of the following:
  • If the program is already running, right-click the program's button on the taskbar (or drag the button toward the desktop) to open the program’s Jump List, and then click Pin this program to taskbar.
  • Or if the program isn't running, click Start, find the program’s icon, right-click the icon, and then click Pin to Taskbar.
  • You can also pin a program by dragging the program's shortcut from the desktop or Start menu to the taskbar.
Pinning a program to the taskbar
Pinning a program to the taskbar

Using Jump Lists in Windows 7

4. Customize the Quick Launch Bar in Windows XP

In Windows XP, the customizable Quick Launch Bar also gives you convenient shortcuts to your favorite programs, folders, and files. The Quick Launch Bar remains accessible from most windows, so it’s a handy way to open the applications and files you use frequently.
If the Quick Launch Bar isn’t already visible to the right of the Start button Start button, you’ll need to turn it on. To do that, right-click an open area of the taskbar. Hover your mouse pointer over Toolbars, then click Quick Launch. The Quick Launch Bar appears on your taskbar.
The Quick Launch Bar on the Windows XP taskbar
The Quick Launch Bar on the Windows XP taskbar
To add a program shortcut to the Quick Launch Bar, click the Start buttonStart button, click All Programs, then click and drag the application you want to the Quick Launch Bar. Release the mouse button and the application’s icon appears in the Quick Launch Bar.
To add a folder or file shortcut to the Quick Launch Bar, open Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder, subfolder, or individual file you want, click and drag the folder or file you want to the Quick Launch Bar. Release the mouse button and the icon for the folder or file appears in the Quick Launch Bar.
To remove a shortcut from the Quick Launch Bar, right-click on the icon in the Quick Launch Bar of the application, folder, or file you want to remove and right-click it, click Delete, and then click Yes when asked if you’re sure you want to delete the shortcut. Note: Although the shortcut is removed from the Quick Launch Bar, the actual application, folder, or file has not been deleted from your computer.

5. Arrange windows on your desktop

In Windows, you can arrange windows side by side, which can be especially helpful when comparing two documents or when moving files from one place to another.Note: If you’re using a nonstandard setup (such as dual monitors), the tricks below may not work as expected.

Windows 7

  1. Drag the title bar of a window to the left or right side of the screen until an outline of the expanded window appears.
  2. Release the mouse to expand the window.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with another window to arrange the windows side by side.
To return a window to its original size click the Maximize button in the window’s title bar and the window expands to full size.
The Maximize button
The Maximize button
Learn more about managing multiple windows in Windows 7.
Tip: To snap an active window to the side of the desktop by using the keyboard, press Windows logo key Windows logo key +Left Arrow or Windows logo key Windows logo key +Right Arrow.
Viewing windows side by side in Windows
Viewing windows side by side in Windows

Windows Vista and Windows XP

In Windows Vista and Windows XP, it’s easy to display any two (or more) windows side by side on the desktop, all equally sized. Press and hold the Ctrl key and click two or more of the window buttons on the taskbar that you want to open. Release the Ctrl key, right-click, and then do one of the following:
  • Windows Vista users, click Show Windows Side by Side.
Windows Vista, Show Windows Side by Side command.
Windows Vista, Show Windows Side by Side command.
Windows XP, Tile Vertically command.
Windows XP, Tile Vertically command.

6. Organize your files into groups

Windows offers a variety of options for organizing folders and files in the ways that work best for you.

Windows 7

The easiest and most effective way to organize your stuff in Windows 7 is to use file arrangements in your libraries.
You can arrange files in the Documents library by author, for example, or you can arrange the Music library by artist if you're looking for an album or song by a particular band.
To arrange a library
  1. In the taskbar, click the Windows Explorer button Windows Explorer button.
  2. In the navigation pane (the left pane), click a library (such as Music).
  3. In the library pane (above the file list), click the Arrange by menu, and then choose a property. For example, in the Music library, you can choose Artist to quickly arrange your music collection by artist.
    The 'Arrange by' menu
    The "Arrange by" menu
  4. When you arrange your files, Windows doesn't just put your files in a different order. Instead, they are presented in a completely different way. The arrangements work differently depending on which one you choose. For example, arranging your pictures by month puts your pictures into stacks, like this:
    Files arranged in 'stacks'
    Files arranged in "stacks"
    Arranging by day puts them into groups, like this:
    Files arranged in 'groups'
    Files arranged in "groups"
    There are four default libraries in Windows 7, each with its own specific arrangements. You can also create new libraries and choose which arrangements are available for them.
    For more information about libraries, see Working with libraries.

Windows Vista

Open a folder that contains several different subfolders and file types. Right-click any empty space on the window's contents pane, point to Group By, and then click your grouping choice.
Windows Vista Group by command.
Windows Vista Group by command.

Windows XP

Open a folder that contains several different subfolders and file types. Right-click any empty space on the window's contents pane, point to Arrange Icons By, and then click Show in Groups. To arrange the window's contents, right-click again in any empty space on the window's contents pane, point to Arrange Icons By, and clickNameSizeType, or Modified (the choices may vary depending on the contents).
Windows XP Arrange icons by command.
Source : set up et maintenance.

dimanche 17 juin 2012

Apple’s New MacBook Pro Is Meant To Be Replaced, Not Repaired

Image Credit: Apple
Michael Harper for
Not all that glitters is gold, my friend. Likewise, not every work of art is easily repairable. Or something like that.
Apple wowed us when they announced and subsequently released their newest line of laptops, the MacBook Pro with Retina Display this week at their WWDC 2012 keynote.
Now, as they are known to do, the repair geeks at iFixit have managed a way to put this new aluminum-clad beauty under the Pentalobe screwdriver and take a peak inside. Now, they’re calling this new pro Apple laptop “the least repairable laptop,” giving it the lowest score of 1/10.
This new machine combines the best of everything Apple has learned about building computing devices. It’s packed with power, thanks to the Intel Ivy Bridge Core-i7 processor (with Turbo Boost, no less) and it’s starting 8GB RAM. This addition to the MacBook Pro line is basically a MacBook Air on steroids. Finally, bringing all that sheer speed and power to your eyeballs is that wonderfully crisp display.
Unfortunately, if anything goes wrong with this screen, you’re looking at replacing the entire unit. According to Apple (and confirmed by iFixit) the Retina display is built right into the frame of the thing with no extra glass layers in between the display and your head. The teardown also revealed the “display assembly also includes the iSight Camera, WiFi antennas, and Bluetooth antennas.”
Just like the iPhones and MacBook Air before it, the new MacBook Pro RD locks down its internal parts with Pentalobe screws, a proprietary screw which requires a special driver to remove. This kind of extra security measure also brings down the repairability score.
For all the good lessons Apple took from their Air line—such as cramming all that power into an incredibly light and thin package—they also took some of the bad. Like the Air line, the new MacBook Pro has its RAM soldered right onto the logic board. No third-party RAM upgrades for you.
The choice you make in flash memory size is also yours to keep forever, as the flash memory, too, is not yet able to be upgraded.
The team at iFixit also notes Apple has opted not to screw their 7-hour battery into the case. Rather, they’ve chosen to glue the power pack into the frame, making it nearly impossible to remove by any non-licensed Apple repair person. In fact, iFixit stopped short of brute force to remove it for fear they might either burst the packs or break the trackpad cable found underneath, rendering the entire $2200 unit unusable.
That price pops up often enough in the teardown. At just over 2 grand, the new MacBook Pro with Retina Display isn’t going to become a household name just yet. The iFixit team seem to feel that shelling out so much money should allow them to be able to do whatever they want with the laptop, and they may be right. However, with 15 inches of high resolution display, 256 GB of flash memory, 8GB of RAM and more, Apple’s laptop seems more aggressive than overinflated.
However, for an extra $350, you can purchase an AppleCare protection plan which will protect your machine for up to three years, you know, just in case you need to have any repairs done to this thing. No, the new MacBook Pro isn’t your father’s Chevy. You can’t pull it into the garage and slap on a new set of brakes when the old ones wear out. The new MBP RD is a high-end Mercedes. If you want anything done to it, you carefully drive it over to the blue-shirts who know what they’re doing and let them take care of it. After all, that’s what you paid for, right?

Source: Michael Harper for

Origin’s EON17-X3D laptop includes two GeForce 580M GPUs

UPDATE: Alienware have since been in touch to point out Origin isn’t the first to offer two GPUs in a laptop. The Alienware M18x also has the option of dual 580M GPUs.

There are a few laptop manufacturers that focus on providing high performance and gaming machines in a portable form, the most popular of which has to be Alienware. But it’s Origin making the headlines today by creating what’s thought to be the first laptop to contain two GPUs in SLI configuration.

The laptop in question is called the Origin EON17-X3D. Its default option is to include a single 2GBNvidia GeForce GTX 580M GPU. That should be more than capable for any game you care to throw at it. However, you can upgrade the configuration to instead include dual 2GB 580M GPUs, giving you unprecedented graphical power in a laptop form factor.

The rest of the EON17′s specs will have gamer’s mouths watering too. In its top configuration you can have:
Intel Core-i7 3960X 3.3GHz CPU with 15MB cache
32GB dual-channel DDR3 1333MHz RAM
17-inch 1920 x 1080 120Hz 3D display with Nvidia 3D Vision Active Glasses
6x Blu-ray burner
512GB Samsung 830 Series SSDs
Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate Edition

Due to the size of the case required to fit and cool those components, Origin allows you to have up to three hard drives configured, or four if you forego the optical drive.

Of course, such a laptop does not come cheap, and you will pay anywhere between $3,000 and $8,000 depending on the configuration you select. That’s not surprising when the dual-GPU option alone adds $877 to the price.

Origin will take your order now if you want or need this much power in a “portable” unit. The EON17-X3D won’t start shipping until March 30, though.